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The Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council of Georgia (PAC) is pleased to announce it has received a $555,602 grant from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS).

The grant, which will continue through September of 2024, will provide much needed funding to train law enforcement officers and prosecutors to effectively detect and prosecute impaired and/or unsafe drivers, providing vital support in addressing new legal challenges for impaired driving investigations and prosecutions.

“The Governor’s Office of Highway Safety and our partners continue to implement programs designed to save lives and promote safe driving behaviors,” Allen Poole, Director of the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety said.  “We ask everyone to help our state and nation reach the attainable goal of zero traffic deaths by driving safe speeds, always wearing a seat belt, keeping the focus on the road and not the phone, and never operating a vehicle under the influence of any substance that impairs your ability to drive.”

“Today, technology helps make our roads and the vehicles we drive better and safer.  But reckless and impaired drivers continue to wreak havoc on our roadways and cause immeasurable harm to law abiding citizens and their families.  We lose too many innocent lives on our highways due to the selfish acts of those who drive recklessly and while impaired,” said PAC Executive Director Pete Skandalakis. “I am proud of the work we do with the Governor’s Office of Highway and Safety in training law enforcement officers and prosecutors on how to hold these offenders legally accountable for their actions. That is why the Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council of Georgia will continue its partnership with GOHS until we have done everything possible to make our highways safer for all those traveling on them.”

The Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council of Georgia offers a number of different trainings related to impaired driving. Law enforcement officers or prosecutors that would like to schedule training in your jurisdictions, please contact the PAC Training Division at (770) 282-6300 or For upcoming training opportunities, visit the training page on the PAC website.

For more information on this grant program, contact GOHS at 404-656-6996.
For more information on GOHS and its highway safety programs, visit