Information Technology
Program Description/Purpose
The Information Technology Division provides technology products and services in order to improve the overall productivity and efficiency of the attorneys and staff members in prosecutor offices throughout Georgia. Our purpose is to use technology products and services as an enabler with whomever we work so that we can make your job and your work life better.
Program Goals/Objectives
- Providing superior customer service to all divisions at PAC so they can subsequently provide superior customer service to statewide prosecutor offices.
- Providing hardware and software procurement, installation, training, and support for all prosecutor offices in Georgia to facilitate and streamline office operations.
- Deploying and implementing the case management software Tracker for use by any and all prosecutors in Georgia in order to monitor the flow of cases from arrest to final disposition.
- Working with Georgia prosecutors in cooperative efforts with local and state agencies on a statewide basis to improve the criminal justice workflow process among agencies via the Criminal Justice E-Filing Project (CJEP).
- Working with prosecutor offices to plan for future technology needs to help Georgia prosecutors leverage information technology to improve their overall productivity and efficiency.