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Upcoming Training Events

Connections Matter

The Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council along with the Georgia Center for Child Advocacy is excited to present Connections Matter. This training is designed to engage community members in building caring connections to improve resiliency.

Everyday connections are more important than we ever believed. Science tells us that relationships have the power to shape our brains. Relationships help us learn better, work better, and parent better. When we experience tough times, they help us heal. With each connection, we develop a healthier stronger community.

The Connections Matter Georgia Initiative focuses on effectively educating communities about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), trauma and resiliency. Connections Matter GA is a collaboration between the Georgia Center for Child Advocacy and Prevent Child Abuse Georgia. The workshop curriculum is an evidence-informed curriculum, developed using a robust body of literature by Dr. Linda Chamberlain and Prevent Child Abuse Iowa, adapted for Georgia specific audiences.

What to expect from this training:

-Interactive, discussion-based curriculum and better understanding of trauma, brain development, resilience, and health
-Concrete knowledge about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
-Action planning and next steps for how you can make a difference
-Resources on trauma-informed care and implementation
-Strategies for increasing and improving your own connections and tools for strengthening both personal and community resilience
-Meeting other community members and building your network

This is a FREE training approved for 4 Victim Advocate credit hours. No CLE or POST credit will be offered for this training.


Contact with questions or to register.