Upcoming Training Events
Court School for Advocates – Dallas
The Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council of Georgia and the Paulding Judicial Circuit welcome advocates to attend Court School for Advocates. This free one-day training is open to victim advocates from across the State of Georgia.
The Tentative Agenda Topics Include:
- Civil Advocacy for Victims of Crime
- Cultural Considerations for Victim’s Advocates
- Court Procedure for Victim’s Advocates
- The Advocate Privilege
- The Georgia Crime Victim’s Bill of Rights
- Stalking in Georgia
This training is approved for up to 6 Advocate credits. No POST or CLE credit is available for this training. Registration will close the day before the event.
This is a free training. No meals or lodging will be provided. The only reimbursements that will be offered are to staff of the District Attorneys’ Offices if their DA approves of the travel. Plenty of free parking is located onsite.
Please contact training@pacga.org with questions or if you need the link to register in GlueUp PAC. Thank you!