Upcoming Training Events
10 Steps to a Human Trafficking Conviction Webinar
Please join us for the 10 Steps to a Human Trafficking Conviction Webinar.
Investigators and Prosecutors often encounter barriers to obtaining convictions on human trafficking cases. Those barriers include: lack of evidence, lack of victim cooperation, lack of credible witnesses, missing victims and witnesses and juror misconceptions. This training course will present participants with 10 methods to overcome those barriers, as utilized by the Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit of the Georgia Attorney General’s Office. Participants will leave with practical, applicable tips and resources which can be applied to improving both investigations and prosecutions.
When: May 24, 2023 10:00 – 11:30AM
Where: Zoom Webinar
Credit: This webinar offers 1.5 CLE and Advocate credit hours, and 1 POST credit hour.
For information or to register, please email training@pacga.org.