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Upcoming Training Events

Administrative License Suspension: The Basics – Webinar

Under Georgia law, driving is a privilege forfeited by those over the limit or who refuse to submit to state-administered testing. This session will cover the basics in completing the DDS 1205 and 1205S form and will walk the participant through the various options of the Administrative License Suspension hearings.  Participants will receive guidance on the complexities and conflicts associated with ALS hearings that often prevent officers from going forward with them. This session will provide officers with an overview of how to handle ALS hearings more effectively and without unnecessary hassle.

This one (1) hour training will also give prosecutors insight into what officers can and can’t do in the hearing.  It will give prosecutors the ability to use the information obtained in the ALS hearing to your advantage in the criminal trial. Approved for POST / CLE. No Advocate credit offered.

To register, please email or call 770-282-6300. Thank you.