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Upcoming Training Events

Asset Forfeiture Training (Law Enforcement Edition) – Cedartown

The Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council of Georgia and Tallapoosa Judicial Circuit invite law enforcement, support staff, and prosecutors to attend:

Asset Forfeiture Training
Cedartown, Georgia
January 26, 2023

This FREE training will be geared towards law enforcement, but prosecutors are welcome to attend as well.

You will earn 3 CLE hours or 3 POST hours. If you are requesting CLE hours, there will be a charge. The amount is listed on the CLE form. Please submit the CLE form and a check to PAC. We will provide every attendee a CLE or POST form.

Nuts and Bolts of Asset Forfeiture
On April 2, 2015, the General Assembly passed HB 233, the Uniform Civil Forfeiture Procedure Act, which not only will apply to Drug Forfeiture, but forfeitures of any kind, including RICO and Gambling. The Bill provides many changes in the manner in which assets are to be seized and forfeited. It also provides many changes in which forfeited assets are to be distributed, used and reported on an annual basis. This class is designed to teach this new procedure which will become effective on July 1, 2015 and applies to all seizures occurring on that date or thereafter.

This is a free training event, and there are no funds available for PAC reimbursement.

Topics specifically covered during this training include:

  • The Purposes of Asset Forfeiture
  • What Can and Can’t be Seized
  • The Procedures Required to Pursue Asset Forfeiture
  • The Distribution of Forfeited Assets
  • The Lawful Purposes to which Forfeited Assets May be Used
  • The Reporting Requirements for Law Enforcement and District Attorneys

Contact the training team at to register or with questions. Thank you!