News Flash
Outstanding Prosecution Professionals from across Georgia are Honored for their Service
The District Attorneys’ Association of Georgia and the Georgia Association of Solicitors-General announced their picks for the top prosecutors, investigators and victim advocates for 2018 at the Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council Annual Summer Conference. The award-winners nominated by peers are as follows:
District Attorney of the Year: Bert Poston, Conasauga Judicial Circuit
Solicitor-General of the Year: Rebecca Grist, Bibb County
Assistant District Attorney of the Year:
- Greg Winters, Houston Judicial Circuit
- Monique Kirby, Coweta Judicial Circuit
- Clint Rucker, Atlanta Judicial Circuit
Assistant Solicitor-General of the Year: Sam D’Entremont, Gwinnett County
Investigator of the Year:
- Scott Weaver, Rome Judicial Circuit
- Dan Smith, Northeastern Judicial Circuit
- Dennis Baker, Clayton Judicial Circuit
Champion of Victims’ Rights:
- Jennifer Thomas, Georgia Commission on Family Violence
- Stephanie Woodard, Hall County Solicitor-General
PAC’s Executive Director said, “We are extremely proud of the prosecutors, investigators and victim advocates and their dedication to serving the justice system in Georgia. It is no surprise these individuals are the example we follow every day.” Additionally, special recognition went to Kelli Baxter, PAC Training Director, for her 20th year producing Summer Conference for Georgia prosecutors.